Ernesto “Ernie” Galarza

Ernesto Galarza aka Precise was born on January 7, 1993 in Sylmar, Ca, but has lived in the city of Pacoima, Ca his entire life. He is currently a Senior at UCLA and has been dancing Hip-Hop for about 10 years. Ernesto first started dancing after meeting Jackie Lopez aka Miss Funk, Co-Director & Founder of Versa-Style Dance Company, through an after school program in the sixth grade at his middle school. Later Jackie helped him apply to receive some scholarships from the Flourish Foundation to take Hip Hop dance courses at the Jonette Swider Dance Center where Jackie then introduced him to Leigh Foaad aka Breeze Lee, Co-Director and Founder of Versa-Style. Ernesto Galarza first started off as one of the original members of Versa Style Next Generation starting in 2009, but is now a Principal Member and Social Media Director for Versa-Style Dance Company. Ernesto now only wishes to pass on his knowledge and inspire the future generations.


Flo Platt


Kenji Igus