Kelli Divincen

Kelli Divincen is a dancing yogini who made her way into the Los Angeles area two years ago. After becoming a certified yoga instructor and training in various dance styles while living in New York City, Kelli and her dancing yogi boyfriend (Jedi) made the trek across the country to test out the dance industry on the West Side of things. The weather was enough of an excuse to stay in California and continue teaching dance, yoga, and meditation at studios in the area. Kelli mainly focused on dancing in commercials, television shows, and movies over the past couple of years, and is switching her energy towards deepening her healing practices.  Kelli is currently finishing her 500 Yoga Certification with Ganga White and Tracy Rich at White Lotus Yoga, and she will be completing her 900 Hour Massage Therapy Certification through the National Holistic Institute as well.   You might see Kelli dancing on television, dancing in Jedi’s vogue class, or dancing in the supermarket; but she is most eager to dance with the lovely students of 5th Row Center every Thursday evening!


Allison Gray


Jed “JeDi NiCe” Forman